Gordon Campbell - French Immersion Leadership

Gordon Campbell speaks about lesson he learned leading French Immersion schools and his new book about Leadership.
My conversation in this episode is with Gordon Campbell. Gordon has worked in French Immersion for over 30 years. He taught at almost every level from the second grade to university. In 2011, he was the recipient of the Canadian Association of Immersion Professional’s or Association canadienne des professionnels en immersion’s (also know as ACPI) prestigious André Obadia Award recognizing excellence in the French Immersion practice. He also received the Manitoba’s Excellence in Education Award in 2012 in the Outstanding School Leader Award category.

Gordon is now retired from the teaching practice but continues to contribute to French Immersion Research. As you will hear in our interview, he recently wrote a book for Educational Leaders who work in French Immersion.

To order his book, please go to the ACPI website.

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Music Information:
Scandinavianz- Vacation (Vlog) D-L by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/7dswC8QFiwU

Additional Editing by Mike Brazeau (http://www.reelaudio.ca/)
Gordon Campbell - French Immersion Leadership
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