All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 in total
Lee Smith - Moral Distress in Educational Leaders
In this episode we bring you my conversation with Lee Smith about Moral Distress in Education.With a few stints back in Canada over the years, Lee has been mostly work...

Dr. Ryan Dunn - Developing Teaching Expertise
This episode features a conversation with Dr. Ryan Dunn. Dr. Dunn was the very first guest on this podcast and I wanted to speak with him again as he recently came out...

Administrator Roundtable - Changing Schools
In this episode we talk about tips when starting at a new school as a leader.

Carolyn Cameron - Renewal: Breathing New Life Into School Leadership
Carolyn Cameron speaks about her new book "Renewal" and the lessons that she learned in her years as a school leader.

Organizational Values
Corey continues with the topic of values, this time speaking about the importance of organizational values.

Knowing Your Values
Corey talks about how to define your values and how this can help you make decisions.

Raelene Finlayson - Early Education
Raelene Finlayson speaks about the benefits of early education and why it is a sound investment.

Armand Doucet - Teaching During a Pandemic
Armand Doucet speaks about the importance of teachers during a pandemic and navigating change in education.

Line Groot Degner - Transformative Coaching
Line Degroot Degner speaks about coaching and how to create a culture of improvement in organizations.

Cale Birk - Observable Impact
Cale Birk speaks about his new book, PLC 2.0, and how schools can increase their observable impact.

Dr. Steven Katz - The Intelligent, Responsive Leader
Dr. Steven Katz of OISE speaks about school leadership.

Kurtis Hewson - Collaborative Response
Kurtis Hewson talks about collaborative response and how it can change how you approach meeting student needs.

Andrew Baxter - Student Mental Health
Andrew Baxter, the Lead for the Alberta Mental Health Literacy Project in Alberta, speaks about how schools can help with mental health.

Dr. Leanne Peters - Leaders as Learners
Dr. Leanne Peters speaks about continuing learning for school leaders.

Katherine Mann - Communicating Assessment
Katherine Mann speaks about assessment and tips for communicating student progress.

Dr. Jim Brandon - School Leader Learning
Dr. Jim Brandon speaks about ongoing School Leader Professional Learning.

Etienna Moostoos-Lafferty - Schools and Reconciliation
Etienna Moostoos-Lafferty speaks about her work helping teachers bring indigenous perspectives to life in the classroom.

Dr. Jenni Donohoo - Collective Efficacy
Dr. Jenni Donohoo speaks about what collective efficacy is and how to use it for increased student performance in schools.

2019 - Year in Review
We review all 27 conversations that we hosted in 2019 and look forward to next year.

Scott Onuczko - Creativity, Communication, & Technology
Scott Onucko, Prime Minister's Teaching award winner, speaks about authentic learning with Communication Technology.

Dr. Bonnie Stelmach - Creating School Communities
Professor Bonnie Stelmach talks about research regarding building school communities.

Joey Feith - Teaching Physical Education
Joey Feith, physical education teacher and creator of, speaks to us about the finer points of teaching physical education.

Adrian Piccoli - Education from a Minister's Perspective
Former Minister of Education for New South Wales speaks about viewing education from public office.

Lynn Leslie - School Planning That Has Impact
Lynn Leslie speaks about educational planning and how to make it more impactful to schools.

What Great Schools Do #2 - Schools Where Students Want to Be
The second episode in our series about What Great Schools Do focuses on creating schools where students want to be and discusses the following aspects: relationships, ...

Brad Langdale - "Doing" Physics
Brad Langdale speaks about the importance of science and ways he has learned to connect the sciences with students.

What Great Schools Do #1 - Teacher Professional Learning
The first episode in our series "What Great Schools Do" focuses on Professional Teacher Learning

Nicole Lakusta - Technology for Learning
Nicole Lakusta speaks about using technology to impact student learning.

Dr. Simon Breakspear - Learning Sprints and Teacher Expertise
Dr. Simon Breakspear speaks about how Learning Sprints can be used to increase teacher expertise and ultimately, student performance.

Langston Evans - Increasing Equity in Schools
Langston Evans speaks about the AVID program and how they are increasing equity in schools.