Brad Langdale - "Doing" Physics

Brad Langdale speaks about the importance of science and ways he has learned to connect the sciences with students.
This episode features Brad Langdale, the 2019 recipient of the Canadian Association of Physicists Award for Excellence in Teaching High School Physics. Brad has spent the past fourteen years making the study of physics more accessible to students as well as teachers in the Province of Alberta. In his classroom, students are encouraged to get up out of their seats and “do physics” by building, testing and analyzing everything from table-top trebuchets to water-rockets to floating buckets.

You can connect with Brad on twitter @b_langdale or by visiting his website at

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Show Notes:
Music Information:
Scandinavianz- Vacation (Vlog) D-L by Scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Additional Editing by Mike Brazeau (
Brad Langdale - "Doing" Physics
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